Xiamen Xiongba 2023 School Aid. Public welfare activities for supporting Tongxin Primary School



Feb 24, 2023
Xiamen Xiongba assists Longyan Changting Tongxin Primary School
Passing love across a winter: time is changing, and our love remains the same.
At the end of 2022, Xiamen Xiongba E-Commerce Co., Ltd. learned about Tongxin School by chance, in order to take practical actions to care for children in distress, and practice corporate social responsibility. The company immediately launched the donation activity of “sending warmth and love” internally and planned to hold a cross-year public welfare get-together with Tongxin School. But under the epidemic, everything ran aground.
After the epidemic in 2023, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming
The epidemic can prevent us from meeting 300 kilometers away, but it can’t erase our concern for children. At the beginning of the new year, Xiongba immediately contacted Tongxin School and restarted the public welfare get-together.
Picture support for students: a trickle of water turns into an ocean, and love turns into hope
Devote love and harvest hope

Let love bloom in hope and hope grow in education.
President Shi led all Xiongba staff to visit the school. After hearing her introduction to the school and children, General Manager Liu Xiangwen was deeply moved and said excitedly, "We will stick to participating in the public welfare of Tongxin School!"

The picture is not a luxury campus lunch party,

A plain and sincere pre-dinner speech;

A public welfare interactive get-together for nearly 100 people,

A hundred days of careful preparation
After the intense and busy work, the employees of Xiongba Company carefully arranged colorful programs for the children, including dances, songs and recitations. Among them, the Hanfu dance “Spring in March” has a light and retro style, and won the applause of the whole audience The children of Tongxin School also volunteered to take all the visiting brothers and sisters to learn healthy Zen clapping exercises, and performed the sign language song “Because of you because of me” to thank all the visitors~
Finally, all the family members of Xiong Ba and the children of Tongxin School took a group photo together to mark the end of the love reunion

Xiamen Xiongba 2023 School Aid. The end of the public welfare activities of Tongxin Primary School is just the starting point for Xiongba to open the “door to the good” and devote to social public welfare. The company’s employees show the spirit of love and dedication in this activity, which is the vivid embodiment of the company’s corporate culture. “Every child yearns for love and warmth. Let’s light up stars in the dark, light up the front of hope, and guard growth”.

74 thoughts on “Xiamen Xiongba 2023 School Aid. Public welfare activities for supporting Tongxin Primary School”
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