Escort the Asian Games! Central control technology PLC fully guarantees the safe operation of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the Asian Games Village



Aug 23, 2023

The Qianjiang Century City Asian Games Village Pipe Gallery is an underground comprehensive pipe gallery in the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou Asian Games Village. As the largest pipe gallery network in Hangzhou and one of the most well-established underground comprehensive pipe gallery systems in newly built areas nationwide, it has a total length of 21.5 kilometers and is an underground comprehensive pipe gallery that integrates various pipelines such as gas, electricity, water supply, communication, etc.

The demonstration section project of the Asian Games Village comprehensive pipe gallery is located on Pinglan Road as the axis. Qianjiang Century City has laid out 7 underground comprehensive pipe galleries, forming a “four horizontal and three vertical” pattern, which is an important infrastructure and “lifeline” to ensure the operation of the Asian Games Village area. The highly reliable PLC product independently developed by Central Control Technology has deeply participated in this project with excellent technical solutions and on-site implementation capabilities.

Scene Map of Comprehensive Pipe Gallery in the Asian Games Village Area

Due to the underground location of the comprehensive pipe gallery, which is humid and contains a large amount of car exhaust and dust, high requirements are put forward for the environmental adaptability, stability, and reliability of the control system. According to the needs and on-site environmental characteristics, the central control technology adopts independently developed PLC series products throughout the entire line, mainly the GCS-G3 system, achieving the application of 54 sets of complete machines, 7899 IO points or more, and 1536 communication control equipment, achieving real-time monitoring and control of the pipeline corridor environment and equipment, comprehensively ensuring the safe operation of major pipelines in the area, and providing strong support for the hosting of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.

Reliable and stable

In order to meet the requirements of anti-corrosion and environmental adaptability, the central control technology PLC products used in the demonstration section of the Asian Games Village Comprehensive Pipe Corridor project support G3 anti-corrosion, wide temperature range of -40~75 ℃, and working humidity of ≤ 90% (without condensation), achieving EMC 3B level electromagnetic interference resistance and 2G acceleration vibration resistance. Through the high reliability and environmental adaptability of these products, the control and monitoring functions of the entire pipeline corridor have been achieved, ensuring the reliability and stability of the pipeline corridor system.

security management

The pipe gallery is equipped with fire compartments and substations, supporting real-time industrial Ethernet ring network, with a bus speed of no less than 100M or 1000M, and strong inter station communication. Fast interaction between different substations can be achieved, as well as centralized monitoring and remote control of sub substations and fire compartments, improving the efficiency and accuracy of safety management.

Intelligent operation and maintenance

Through the centralized control and monitoring functions of the central control technology PLC system, real-time data such as pipeline operation status, parameter information, and fault alarms can be obtained. It supports hot swapping, online device replacement, and configuration downloading. It has no battery design, and the program and data are not lost for a long time, making it easy for operation and maintenance personnel to maintain and process in a timely manner.

The successful application of central control technology PLC in the demonstration section project of the Asian Games Village Comprehensive Pipe Corridor has effectively solved the problem of urban traffic congestion. It not only has the function of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, but also reduces the maintenance costs of multiple road renovations and engineering pipelines, ensuring the integrity of the road surface and the durability of various pipelines. It is of great significance for the smooth hosting of the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games, promoting sustainable urban development, and improving the quality of life of residents.

In the future, central control technology will continue to deeply cultivate the comprehensive pipe gallery industry, reducing land occupation and resource consumption by optimizing pipeline layout and management. At the same time, with the acceleration of smart city construction, central control technology will also combine artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing technology to achieve collaborative management in energy, water, and transportation, helping to improve the overall operational efficiency of the city, and contributing more to the safe operation and high-quality development of the city.

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