Good news! Shenzhen ABB Electric Transportation Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Carbon Neutrality Certificate” and the “Green and Low Carbon Enterprise Certificate”



Aug 28, 2023

Actively respond to climate change through self action, fulfill corporate social responsibility, and empower a zero emission future.

Recently, Shenzhen ABB Electric Transportation Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the “Carbon Neutrality Certificate” and “Green and Low Carbon Enterprise Certificate” by the Shenzhen Institute of Metrology and Quality Testing, fully demonstrating its mission to actively respond to climate change, fulfill corporate social responsibility, and empower it to achieve a zero emission future through its own actions.

Cao Yang, the head of ABB Electric Transportation in China, stated that, Shenzhen ABB Electric Transportation Technology Co., Ltd. has been awarded the Carbon Neutrality Certificate and the Green and Low Carbon Enterprise Certificate, which is inseparable from the strong support of local governments at all levels and the high recognition of our sustainable development. We deeply understand that the road to carbon neutrality is a long and arduous one. In the future, we will continue to adhere to green development, integrate low-carbon production into all aspects of the entire industrial chain, actively fulfill social responsibilities, and make greater contributions to achieving a zero emission future Contribution

The white paper “Green Development in China in the New Era” points out that the transportation industry has high energy consumption, high emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and is an area that needs to be focused on in order to achieve green development. Accelerate the construction of a green transportation system to make transportation more environmentally friendly and travel with lower carbon emissions.

ABB Electric Transportation, as a global leader in the field of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, has always been committed to providing intelligent, reliable, and zero emission electric vehicle charging solutions. Since entering the electric vehicle charging market in 2010, ABB Electric Transportation has delivered over 1 million charging stations in 85 countries and regions. In addition, ABB Electric Transportation has also participated in the development of multiple mainstream charging standards worldwide, promoting the effective coverage of high-power charging networks in key scenarios, and supporting the construction of a comprehensive low-carbon green transportation and travel ecosystem.

Deeply focusing on the green and low-carbon transformation of production methods, ABB’s Pinghu production base in Zhejiang, as one of the representatives of green factories, has a photovoltaic system of 9000 square meters, covering 86% of the roof space. In 2022, through the application of the optical storage and charging microgrid system, the green energy utilization rate of ABB’s electric transportation intelligent factory in Pinghu, Zhejiang can be increased to over 70%. In addition, the factory’s intelligent microgrid system is also connected to the ABB 480kW high-power liquid cooled overcharging system. This overcharging product can simultaneously recharge four electric vehicles, achieving a fast charging range of 200 kilometers in 5 minutes, bringing a new transformation to green travel.

In China, ABB’s fast charging solution for electric transportation has been successfully applied in more than 30 cities, and has successively provided intelligent charging product support for electric vehicle assembly line testing for Zhenjiang Wenguang Group, Yangshan Port, Jilin Changbai Mountain Tourism Distribution Center, Guiyang Smart Parking Station, Shanghai Florence Town, Shanghai Maternal and Child Health Hospital, FedEx, and Dongfeng Honda Company.

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