2023 Industrial Expo – “Carbon” New Industry, “Digital” Gathering New Economy, Omron Booth Highlights Get Ahead!



Sep 14, 2023

  Against the backdrop of the manufacturing industry moving towards mid to high end development, industrial upgrading is moving towards a “dual transformation” of digitization and low-carbon, and sustainable manufacturing has become the main theme of industry development. In response to the theme of “Carbon Cycle New Industry, Digital Convergence New Economy” at this year’s Industrial Expo, Omron will carry the continuously evolving manufacturing innovation concept i-Automation! Appearing again at the Industrial Expo, through the creation of a large number of innovative applications, we provide cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions for low-carbon and digital transformation, solve economic and social issues including improving production efficiency and reducing production energy consumption, and empower the sustainable development of the manufacturing industry.

  Time: September 19-23, 2023

  Location: National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai)

  Omron booth number: 6.1H, E019


  At the same time, during the Industrial Expo, we will launch a live broadcast to bring a digital event to audiences who are unable to attend in person! Visit the prototype from a “zero” distance, experience the atmosphere of the Expo site, and offer exquisite gifts!

  Show booth highlights in advance

  In line with the theme of “Carbon Cycle New Industry, Digital Convergence New Economy” at this year’s Industrial Expo, Omron focuses on “digitalization” and “low-carbon”, showcasing the digital and low-carbon solutions created under the constantly evolving manufacturing concept of “i-Automation!”, demonstrating Omron’s ability to empower the sustainable development of the manufacturing industry.

  Digital solutions

  3D simulation application of robot integrated control

  A robot integrated controller that integrates 3D simulation and uses digital twins for design and startup, achieving the integration of peripheral devices and robots controlled by a single controller. All devices, including robots, can be synchronized and highly automated, achieving maximum production efficiency and energy utilization. Through device integration simulation, we can achieve hands-on debugging without the need for “proficiency”, helping customers significantly shorten the time required for device design, startup, and debugging.


  Intelligent platform

  Difficulties in managing and locating faults caused by a wide variety of equipment types; Omron uses an intelligent platform as the “information hub” to achieve information exchange between the production site and the upper management system, further improving management efficiency, due to issues such as opaque energy consumption distribution and non upgraded high energy consuming equipment, resulting in energy waste. By utilizing software technology and advanced algorithms, we aim to create intelligent solutions suitable for various manufacturing sites.


  Low carbonization solution

  On site data utilization service “i-BELT”

  To address low-carbon issues in manufacturing, quality, equipment, and energy, on-site data utilization service “i-BELT” builds digital models through lean analysis and works with customers to solve production site issues.

  More and more on-site issues are being addressed with the assistance of i-BELT, such as improving production efficiency, maintaining and managing product quality, addressing energy conservation and efficient energy use in SDGs and ESG operations, predictive maintenance of equipment, and improving overall equipment efficiency. At this exhibition, we will focus on the current hot social topic of decarbonization and introduce various cases of achieving “energy production efficiency improvement”, that is, balancing production efficiency and energy conservation.In addition, the Omron booth will also showcase innovative applications that meet the needs of industries such as electronics, automobiles, and packaging, clarifying the direction of future manufacturing. We sincerely invite you to visit the Omron booth and experience Omron i-Automation firsthand! The low-carbon and digital manufacturing future depicted!

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