Beier Electronics Assists China’s First Hydrogen Energy Ship “Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1” Successfully Sails First Voyage



Oct 17, 2023

The first hydrogen fuel cell powered ship in China, the Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1, departed from the Three Gorges Tourist Center in Yichang, Hubei on the morning of October 11th and completed its maiden voyage in the Yichang waters. This marks a breakthrough in the application of hydrogen fuel cell technology to inland ships in China. Beier Electronics X2 Pro intelligent human-machine, with its excellent performance, certification by multiple mainstream classification societies, rich communication support, and open software, is selected to provide reliable HMI solutions for the Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1 electric propulsion, energy management, and other systems.

The Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1 has a total length of 49.9 meters, a molded width of 10.4 meters, a molded depth of 3.2 meters, and a passenger quota of 80 people. It mainly adopts a hydrogen fuel cell power system, with a human-machine interface solution provided by Beier Electronics for fine control and optimized operation. The rated output power of hydrogen fuel cells reaches 500 kilowatts, with a maximum speed of 28 kilometers per hour, a cruising speed of 20 kilometers per hour, and a range of up to 200 kilometers. After delivery, it will carry out transportation, inspection, and emergency work between the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the two dams of the Three Gorges Gezhouba Dam.

It is reported that the Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1 is the first hydrogen fuel cell powered ship in China to be classified by the China Classification Society. Compared to traditional fuel powered ships, it is expected to replace 103.16 tons of fuel annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 343.67 tons. This means that the maiden voyage of this ship type not only has economic benefits, but also has significant significance for environmental protection.

The intelligent human-machine interface X2 pro of Beier Electronics is applied to the fuel cell control system, lithium battery control system, whole ship electric propulsion system, and remote control system of the driving console of the Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1. These systems are crucial for the operation of the entire ship, and Beier Electronics’ HMI solution enables these systems to operate efficiently and stably, providing strong guarantees for the successful maiden voyage of the Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1.

Industry insiders have stated that in recent years, the application of new energy propulsion technology has become an important development direction for green ships, and hydrogen energy has three major advantages: pollution-free, renewable, and high-efficiency. The human-machine interface solutions provided by Beier Electronics for power propulsion, energy management, and other systems help customers achieve energy efficiency, zero emissions, and improved ship comfort on hydrogen fuel cell technology ships, which is an indispensable part of the development of green ships.

3 thoughts on “Beier Electronics Assists China’s First Hydrogen Energy Ship “Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1” Successfully Sails First Voyage”
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