Li Qiqi, Director of the Western Operation Center of the Institute of Industrial Internet and the Internet of Things of the Chinese Academy of Information and Communications: to be the “sower” of digital economy



May 17, 2024

In the Chongqing Top Node Exhibition and Experience Hall of Industrial Internet Identity Resolution, the display screen reflects the busy production site of a factory in Chongqing in real time: mechanical arms are assembling parts.

“The reason why these robotic arms can recognize materials, production processes, equipment, etc. is all achieved through identification,” explained Li Qiqi, the director of the operations center, pointing to the display screen. “This is our ‘Metaverse’ factory. By assigning identification to physical factories, we have created a ‘Metaverse’ world that corresponds 1:1 to the real world.”

“The logo is like the ‘ID card’ of every entity, and the resolution is the only confirmation of its identity.” Li Qiqi further elaborated that in the ecology of industrial Internet, human beings and things are intertwined, and each participant needs to have a unique identity. Through unified identity authentication, language communication, transaction rules, and currency system, we can achieve efficient connectivity, thereby enhancing the productivity of the entire industrial ecosystem.

Industrial Internet is a strategic infrastructure for new industrialization and an important cornerstone of the fourth industrial revolution. The identification analysis system of the industrial Internet is the nerve hub of the industrial Internet. The industrial Internet takes the identification analysis system as the link, and the identification analysis system takes the national top nodes as the center, connecting the international root nodes, the secondary nodes and enterprise nodes, promoting the acceleration of the circulation of industrial big data, and laying a more solid support for the new industrial ecology of all elements, all industry chains, all value chains, and all connections.

Li Qiqi, born in 1987, has made great achievements in the field of industrial Internet although he is not yet 40 years old. Under his leadership, up to now, the national top node (Chongqing) of the industrial Internet identity resolution system has connected 51 secondary nodes in ten provinces and cities in western China, providing identity resolution services for more than 36000 enterprises, with a total number of logo registrations of more than 32.5 billion, and has become an important engine to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure in western regions, the leap in the level of industrial clusters, and the rapid development of the digital economy.

Li Qiqi, Director of the Western Operation Center of the Institute of Industrial Internet and Internet of Things of the Chinese Academy of ICT.

In other words, the establishment of these 51 secondary nodes means that the industrial Internet identity resolution system has covered 51 key industries in the western region. These secondary nodes have further expanded downwards, with over 36000 enterprises integrated into this system, achieving large-scale applications. The registration volume of over 32.5 billion identifiers means the birth of over 32.5 billion new products with unique identifiers, which can be devices, algorithms, items, etc.

As for his achievements, Li Qiqi said modestly: “In fact, our work is more like a ‘fire sower’. We are spreading a ‘fire’, which is the industrial Internet, or holding the ‘torch’ to explore the way for China’s new industrialization. I hope to do my best to help the digital economy spark and grow into a prairie fire.”

With the determination to build our hometown

Starting from scratch, we have been working hard

Entering the second half of the digital economy, how can traditional industrial bases find new growth points and breakthroughs?

In 2018, Chongqing ushered in the opportunity of industrial Internet. In June of that year, under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Information and Communication Research Institute launched the construction of national top nodes for industrial Internet identity resolution, and Chongqing successfully ranked among the top five node cities in China.

“I am an authentic Chongqing native and very familiar with Chongqing.” With a pioneering determination and sense of responsibility, in September 2019, Li Qiqi volunteered to return to his hometown and be responsible for the construction and operation of Chongqing’s top nodes.

At that time, the construction of the new infrastructure system of industrial Internet in the western region was still in its infancy, and many enterprises still followed the traditional production and operation model, and knew little about the concept of industrial Internet. In front of Li Qiqi is a barren virgin land, and he needs to start from scratch, facing difficulties far beyond imagination.

Due to leaving Chongqing for a long time to work and live, Li Qiqi is not very familiar with the situation in his hometown. With the help of Liangjiang New Area, he rented a small office as an office space, and he was the only employee. The preliminary research, data sorting, and other work were almost entirely completed by him alone.

“It’s like starting a business,” Li Qiqi joked.

Through hardships, I see the dawn

Using point to area approach to leverage leadership effects

“At the beginning, I spent a lot of time explaining to enterprises what is industrial Internet and what is logo resolution.” Li Qiqi pointed to the exhibition hall next to me, “I have made at least 200 explanations here.”

The identification analysis system of the industrial Internet is an important component and “nervous system” of the industrial Internet, which mainly includes two parts: identification coding and analysis system. Among them, the identification code is equivalent to “ID card” or “house number”, giving each physical entity (such as parts, machines, products, etc.) and each digital object (such as algorithms, process records, key data) on the industrial Internet a globally unique code. The parsing system queries and uniformly parses network addresses and related information based on identification codes, achieving precise positioning and providing basic support for cross system, cross enterprise, and cross regional supply chain full process management, traceability, and precise network collaboration applications.

For Chongqing, to consolidate its position as an important manufacturing city and realize industrial upgrading, it is the only way to build an industrial Internet identity analysis system.

However, it is not easy to make all production factors speak the same language, and many companies are skeptical and hesitant to try it easily.

Up to now, the national top node (Chongqing) of the industrial Internet identity resolution system has connected 51 secondary nodes in ten provinces and cities in western China.

The preliminary research work took Li Qiqi three to four months to complete. It is also in this process that he gradually found the direction of development – to promote the transformation and upgrading of more enterprises in the field of industrial Internet by creating model enterprises to play a demonstration role.

Li Qiqi chose Zongshen Group as the first partner for cooperation. Zongshen Group is one of the leading enterprises in the automotive and motorcycle industry in Chongqing, and has been seeking new ways to improve quality and efficiency. Due to Zongshen Group’s strong funding and solid foundation, while Li Qiqi is skilled in architecture and technology, after in-depth exchanges, the two sides quickly reached a cooperation intention to jointly carry out factory renovation work.

With outstanding professional abilities, Li Qiqi assisted Zongshen Group in achieving transformation and upgrading. For example, in terms of active device identification, the company initially planned to add various functions, such as temperature detection and noise monitoring. After verification, some features have been removed, but the cost-effectiveness and inclusiveness have been significantly improved.

In 2020, Zongshen Group’s 101 factory deployed an identification system, achieving full process management of product research and development, raw material supply, on-site inspection, assembly, and factory delivery. By adopting a “full lifecycle” traceability system, staff only need to scan codes to quickly match product processing parameters and equipment, thereby improving production efficiency and capacity by about 15%, and significantly improving asset management efficiency, equipment maintenance efficiency, and inventory efficiency by nearly three times.

“The industrial Internet platform is like a close ‘butler’.” Li Qiqi said with a smile, “It can not only solve various problems faced by enterprises, but also provide a series of comprehensive solutions. These platforms are the best in the software industry, they can disassemble complex systems in order and break them into pieces.”

Taking the automotive and motorcycle manufacturing field where Zongshen Group is located as an example, “this’ butler ‘has given unique identification to the entire production process, environment, and factory, just like setting up’ sentries’. These ‘sentries’ can upload data in real-time, allowing the platform to provide customized services for each link.”

The strength of this “butler” has also been highly praised by the enterprise. “Before the renovation, our entire oil seal pressing work was carried out manually, and the qualification of product quality mainly relied on manual labor. When encountering abnormalities such as unqualified products, it is actually uncontrollable. After the renovation, through identification and analysis technology, only qualified products can continue to flow, and unqualified products can directly enter the repair process, thereby ensuring the improvement of the production line qualification rate.” Jiang Wen, Senior Manager of Power Information at Zongshen Group, said that after the renovation, the enterprise’s research and development, production, operation efficiency, and sales revenue have all been comprehensively improved.

The successful case of Zongshen Group has also become a stepping stone for Li Qiqi to expand cooperation with other enterprises. At present, the national top node (Chongqing) of the industrial Internet identity resolution system promoted by Li Qiqi has attracted more than 36000 enterprises.

Marching into Sichuan

Exploring the “Dual City Economic Circle” in the Digital Economy

With the deepening of the integration construction of the Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle, Sichuan and Chongqing are developing at an unprecedented speed in synergy. As the core component of new infrastructure, industrial Internet is injecting continuous vitality into this hot spot.

In this wave, Li Qiqi’s figure is particularly active. “He spends nearly 270 days on business trips in Chengdu throughout the year,” he said with a smile, “even though I occasionally take some time off.” If I were a little more diligent, I might be on business trips all year round. “

On his business trip to Chengdu, Li Qiqi’s goal is very clear – to explore more industrial Internet application scenarios and promote the construction of Chengdu Chongqing Industrial Internet Integration Demonstration Zone. He hopes to inject new vitality into the Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle in the field of digital economy.

In Sichuan, the application scenarios of industrial Internet are constantly expanding. Taking Sichuan Langjiu Co., Ltd. as an example, the company has given each bottle of Langjiu a unique “digital ID card” through the national top node (Chongqing) of the industrial Internet identity analysis system, which has realized the credibility, visibility and traceability of product quality. This innovative measure not only enhanced the brand value of Langjiu, but also provided beneficial exploration for the digital transformation of the entire Baijiu industry.

Driven by Li Qiqi, many Baijiu enterprises in Sichuan have joined the ranks of digital transformation to improve production efficiency and R&D capability through digital means. He said, “The liquor industry is a characteristic industry of Sichuan, and we hope to play a demonstrative role by creating models, which is consistent with Chongqing’s approach.”

Faced with the vast territory and scattered distribution of enterprises in Sichuan, Li Qiqi believes that this is both an opportunity and a challenge. “Although the cost of communication has increased, Sichuan’s rich resources of leading enterprises have enhanced the stability of the supply chain. We are confident that through the construction of the industrial Internet, we can achieve the optimal allocation of resources and the stable development of the supply chain.”

At the same time, Li Qiqi also actively promoted the construction and operation of the national top node (Chengdu hosting and disaster recovery node) of industrial Internet identity resolution. On April 28, 2022, the Chengdu Custody and Disaster Recovery Node was officially launched, working together with top nodes in Chongqing to build a “one top, one backup” strategic ecosystem for the Chengdu Chongqing region.

For the future, Li Qiqi has a clear plan: “We will continue to promote the development of industrial Internet in the Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle, and keep pace with the first tier regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. At the same time, we will also deploy according to the country’s major strategic guidelines, such as industrial backup, industrial transfer and acceptance, to improve the resilience of the supply chain and industrial chain.”

Under the leadership of Li Qiqi, a dynamic and potential industrial Internet ecosystem is gradually taking shape in the Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle. This ecology covers the government, supply side and demand side and other aspects to jointly promote the development of industrial Internet and inject new vitality into the digital economy of Sichuan and Chongqing.

Journalist’s Notes

Based on Li Qiqi’s current performance, he can be considered one of the “top performers” among the post-85 generation. However, during an interview with him, he said he was once a true “slash youth”: energetic and involved in multiple fields. After twists and turns, with ups and downs, Li Qiqi finally realized that his favorite profession deep down in his heart was still returning to his profession and pursuing technical skills. Therefore, with solid technical skills, Li Qiqi resolutely devoted himself to the industrial Internet industry. And this investment is truly “sticking to the green mountains without relaxing”, not giving up until the goal is achieved. Thanks to the efforts of Li Qiqi and his team, Chongqing, as an important manufacturing city, has not become a “front wave” and been photographed on the “beach” in the wave of industrial Internet. Li Qiqi told reporters that all of this is the beginning, and the future is even more promising.
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