Empowering the industry, collaborative innovation! Delixi Electric is invited to attend the 2024 Annual Conference of the Low Voltage Electrical Appliance Industry



Jul 4, 2024

On June 27th, the highly anticipated 2024 General Low Voltage Electrical Appliances Branch of the China Electrical Industry Association and the 2024 Low Voltage Electrical Appliances Industry Innovation and Development Summit Forum were grandly unveiled in Wuxi.

The theme of this conference is “Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity and Promoting High quality Development of Low Voltage Industry”. More than 250 units and over 500 high-level personnel from management, technology, production, market and other fields in the entire industry chain gathered here to carry out high-level exchanges around technological innovation, product application, green intelligent manufacturing, etc. Lou Feng, Vice Chairman of the General Low Voltage Electrical Branch of the China Electrical Industry Association and President of Delixi Electric, was invited to attend the meeting.
New quality productivity drives new development in the industry
At the beginning of the meeting, Yin Tianwen, Chairman of the General Low Voltage Electrical Appliances Branch of the China Electrical Industry Association, delivered a speech, emphasizing the important leading role of new quality productivity in China’s industrial development, and pointing out that the path to achieving the dual carbon goal and the construction of a new power system have opened up a new development field and track for the low-voltage electrical appliance industry.
He called on industry enterprises to establish long-term vision and grasp technological changes; Respond to demand and grasp market changes; Seeking practical results and grasping the changes in integration; Introduce new qualities and grasp the changes in productivity. I hope that the entire industry can work together to build a better future for the high-quality development of the low-voltage electrical industry.

In addition, at the 2024 Low Voltage Electrical Industry Development Summit Forum, Dr. Bai Jianshe, a senior technical expert at Delixi Electric, shared Delixi Electric’s digital low-voltage distribution system practice. Delixi Electric has improved the intelligence and efficiency of low-voltage distribution systems through digital transformation, demonstrating a solid step in promoting industry digital transformation and green development.

Consolidate the core of innovation to support sustainable transformation
With the deepening of the 14th Five Year Plan for development, the pace of building a new power system is constantly accelerating, which also brings opportunities and challenges to the development of the low-voltage electrical industry. In the context of the construction of new power systems, how the low-voltage electrical industry can meet its new needs and applications has become an important issue.

Delixi Electric takes innovation as the internal driving force of the enterprise, builds technological support capabilities with dual core drive of technology and products, and creates new energy full industry chain solutions. Through technological and product innovation, it provides comprehensive solutions from power generation, transmission to electricity consumption, covering high-performance products such as photovoltaic grid connected circuit breakers, DC molded case circuit breakers, and DC frame isolation switches.

At the same time, implementing the direction of “digitalization” and “low-carbon”, Delixi Electric has introduced a digital distribution cloud system, adopted an innovative IoT cloud architecture, and provided a standardized professional distribution digital system, achieving the integration of power monitoring, energy management, operation and maintenance services, and expansion modules, achieving “modularization, intelligence, high performance, and low loss”, empowering customers with sustainable development in the industry, and helping to accelerate the achievement of the dual carbon goals.
According to Lou Feng, President of Delixi Electric, “Realizing dual carbon is a broad and profound revolution. As a leader in low-voltage electrical appliances in China, Delixi Electric regards green and sustainable development as one of its core strategies, creating a net zero path of” people-oriented, promoting carbon neutrality, and building a green ecosystem “. At the same time, under the leadership of the New Quality Productivity Innovation Research Institute, Delixi Electric strengthens the carrier of technological innovation, combines multi-dimensional innovation in digitalization, greening, and standardization, and leads the low-voltage electrical appliance industry in China to transform towards a more green and sustainable future.”
In the future, Delixi Electric will continue to deepen its focus on digitalization and low-carbon development, accelerate the transformation towards intelligence and green and low-carbon development, empower green manufacturing with innovative technologies, lead industry change with technological innovation, and work together with industry partners to develop new quality productivity and support high-quality development.
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