IC693MDL640 GE


IC693MDL640 GE



  Product Description

IC693MDL640 is a 24 volt DC positive logic input module for the GE Fanuc 90-30 series. This module provides a group of 16 input points, sharing a common power input terminal. This input module has been carefully designed with positive logic characteristics, which means it absorbs current from the input device to the user’s common or negative power bus. The input device is connected to the positive power bus and module input. The current flowing into the input point causes logic 1 in the input status table. The input characteristics of this module make it compatible with various input devices, such as buttons, limit switches, and electronic proximity switches.

Other technical specifications include a DC input voltage range of -30 to+30 volts, with 16 input modules per group. The on state voltage range is between 15 to 30 volts DC, while the off state voltage range is between -30 to 5 volts DC. The rated value of the on state current is a minimum of 4 mA, while the off state current is maintained at a maximum of 1.5 mA. The on/off response time of this module is 7 milliseconds. It is best to run the GE Fanuc IC693MDL640 discrete input module with positive logic in an environment with an ambient temperature between 0 and 60 degrees Celsius, a humidity between 5 and 95%, and no condensation. It comes with 16 inputs and a total voltage rating of 24 volts DC. Taking the analog input module as an example, its function is to use the RS-485 bus as a data communication line to provide analog to 485 conversion function. It can simultaneously input eight analog signals to the module and transmit them to the computer through the RS-485 bus. Taking the analog input module as an example, its function is to use the RS 485 bus as a data communication line to provide analog to 485 conversion function. It can simultaneously input eight analog signals to the module and transmit them to the computer through the RS 485 bus. Due to the use of RS-485 interface as the communication interface, multiple modules can be combined to transmit more analog signals, and can be configured dispersedly on the 485 line. Address codes are used for differentiation and can be directly connected to the MODBUSRTU protocol configuration software. 3) Analog quantity refers to any value that continuously changes within a certain range, and is a state representation that is opposite to digital quantity. Usually, analog quantities are used to collect and represent parameters such as voltage, current, or frequency of things. The analog input module is an intelligent module that can collect analog quantities (such as voltage, current, thermocouple, thermal resistance, temperature, etc.) and transmit them to a computer through the 485 bus. Its communication protocol adopts the MODBUSRTU protocol, which achieves unified integration with industrial field data collection and is also very convenient to program.

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