A-B 2198-H070-P-T


A-B 2198-H070-P-T



Kinetix 5700 Connection System • The 24V input-wiring connector that plugs into the DC-bus power supply, regenerative bus supply, or accessory module (typically) and receives input wiring for 24V DC. • 24V DC T-connectors that plug into the drives downstream from the power supply where the 24V control power is shared. • Bus bars that connect between drives to extend the 24V control power from drive to drive. This example illustrates the 24V input wiring connector inserting into the DC-bus power supply along with downstream T-connectors and bus-bar connectors.


For information on installing the DC-bus link kits, refer to the Kinetix 5700 DCbus Link Kits Installation Instructions, publication 2198-IN007. Kinetix 5500 Connection System • Input-power wiring connectors plug into the leftmost drive and receive input wiring for AC input power and 24V DC input power. • AC bus, DC bus, and 24V DC T-connectors plug into the drives downstream from the first drive where AC, DC, and/or 24V control power is shared. DC bus T-connectors also plug into the first drive where DC bus power is shared. • Bus bars connect between drives to extend the AC input bus, DC bus, and 24V DC control power from drive to drive. This example illustrates the AC input power wiring connector, T-connectors, and bus-bar connectors. The 24V bus and DC bus systems connect in a similar way. (1) Due to the higher amp rating of frame 3 drives, the input wiring connector for frame 3 drives (catalog number 2198-H070-ADP-IN) is slightly larger than the wiring connector for frame 1 and 2 drives (catalog number 2198-H040-ADP-IN). (2) Due to the extra width of frame 3 drives, bus-bar connectors between frame 3 drives are slightly longer (85 mm) than connectors between frame 2 and frame 1 drives (55 mm). (3) DC bus T-connectors latch on b

Model recommendation:

A-B 2198-D012-ERS4

A-B 2198-R031


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