A-B 2198-R031


A-B 2198-R031



Kinetix 5700 Passive Shunt Modules Catalog Numbers 2198 R014, 2198-R031, 2198-R127, 2198-R004 Topic PageSum mayof Changes About the Pssve Shunt Modules  Install the 2198 R014, 2198- RO031, and2198 R127 Shunt Modules  Install the 2198 R004 Shunt Resistor  Product Dimensions  Wring Requirements (units with endsures) 6Wriring Requirements (umits without endosues

Shunt Module Spedfiations Adional Resources Summary of Changes  Topic Page Added details regarding required dlearance on all sides of the 2198 R004 shunt rsistr.  Added high-temperature wire rating for cstomer-spied shunt wiring.
Model recommendation: EPRO CON021 PR6423/010-010


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