531X303MCPARG1 | General Electric Drive Board Drives


531X303MCPARG1 | General Electric Drive Board Drives



         531X303MCPARG1 – GE Supply Board is available in stock which ships the same day.

  531X303MCPARG1 – GE Supply Board comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

  To avail our best deals for 531X303MCPARG1 – GE Supply Board, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

  Product Description

531X303MCPARG1 is an AC power board manufactured by GE as part of several older (now often outdated) universal drive systems (including DC-300 drives) released by General Electric. Although these systems are older, these drives are designed as flexible and complex systems, making them highly suitable for many industrial applications.

The board surface of 531X303MCPARG1 is marked with several pieces of information. This includes alignment marks (letters and numbers) on the bottom and left edges, board usage title, board ID number, board spare number (F31X303MCPAPG1), and codes such as 006/00 and 002/00. Most components on the circuit board are marked once with the manufacturer’s identification number and marked again with a reference indicator on the surface of the circuit board.531X304IBDARG1

531X303MCPARG1 has a small terminal board. It is located in the bottom right corner. There are two vertical pin (male) cable connectors and seven plug connectors on the board. There are also six plug-in connectors, usually placed along the edge of the board.

531X303MCPARG1 is equipped with eight fuses, including a 2-ampere fuse and a 5-ampere fuse. It has over twenty transistors, two LED indicator lights, three transformers, six heat sinks, over twenty resistor network arrays, a relay, a metal oxide varistor (MOV), three jumper switches, and various integrated circuits, as well as resistors, diodes, and capacitors made of various materials.https://www.weikunfadacai1.com/

  Model recommendation:



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