A-B 2711P-T12C6B2


A-B 2711P-T12C6B2



About This Publication This publication provides information about how to convert the following terminals to the new generation PanelView™ Plus 6 terminals: • PanelView Plus and PanelView Plus CE 700…1500 terminals • PanelView Plus 400 and 600 terminals • PanelView Plus Compact terminals The new PanelView Plus 6 platform is available with or without extended features and file viewers. There is no longer a distinction between PanelView Plus and PanelView Plus CE terminals.The 2711P-T12C6B2 terminal is an operator interface terminal that has been designed and manufactured by Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation. It is part of the Allen-Bradley Panelview Plus 1250 series of interface terminals. The 2711P-T12C6B2 operator interface terminal can be powered by 85 to 264 Volts AC or 18 to 32 Volts DC input voltage. It can be controlled through its 12.1-inch touchscreen which the users can operate with plastic styluses or with their fingertips.This migration guide contains new and updated information. Changes throughout this revision are marked by change bars as shown to the left of this paragraph.This table compares the differences between the new generation PanelView Plus 6 and the legacy PanelView Plus terminals.Windows CE 6.0 Operating System All PanelView Plus 6 terminals run the Windows CE operating system (OS), providing OS elements that meet most user needs. Additional functionality is available by ordering terminals with optional, extended features

  Model recommendation:

A-B 2711P-T12C6B2

A-B 2711P-B4C20D