



DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B Technical Specifications  ManufacturerGE General Electric  SeriesMark V  Part NumberDS215SDCCG1AZZ01B  Product TypeDrive Control Card  Instruction ManualGEI-100029

Product Description

DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B is a drive control card developed for General Electric’s Mark V board series. System software and primary control circuitry is housed on this card. AC2000, DC2000, and EX2000 drives are the intended series of controllers that this card can interface with. Three microprocessors and dual ported RAM can be found on this control card.

The three main processors located on DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B include a drive control processor (DCP), a motor control processor (MCP), and a co-motor processor (CMP). The DCP contains an array of peripheral functions, including direct memory access and address decoding. Both digital and analog I/O can be digested by this processor. High speed digital and analog I/O as well as motor control functions are processed by the MCP. When additional processing power is required by the MCP, the CMP takes over. The CMP is capable of calculating complex mathematical algorithm calculations that the MCP is incapable of computing. Five onboard memory chips provide storage space for the integrated dual port RAM. Ten diagnostic LEDs are found on the board which can display fault codes to users in either binary form or binary coded decimal (BCD).

Provided installation and storage parameters should be met to protect the integrity of both the control card and the drive. A complete guide to installing and wiring DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B is available in the series manual as well as the device’s datasheet. The manufacturer, General Electric, was the original provider of technical support for this board.


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Frequently Asked Questions about DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B

How does DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B interface with other boards?

DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B interfaces with other boards from the controller and external signals through 8 connectors. The connectors to connect DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B to other boards are: 1PL, 2PL, 3PL, 6PL, 7PL, 8PL, 9PL, and 11PL. For descriptions of the connectors used with DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B, view the “Card Connections” section of the manual for DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B – Manual GEI-100029.

What does DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B consist of?


DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B consists of several things, but DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B mainly consists of three 16-bit microprocessors and associated circuits couple through daul-ported RAM.

What will I find in the manual for DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B?

The manual for DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B is the GE Motors and Industrial Systems Drive Control Card Manual – Manual GEI-100029. Within the manual for DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B, you will find a functional description of DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B, application data including DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B’s hardware and software, and renewal/warranty replacement for DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B, including identifying DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B board, warranty terms and service, replacing DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B boards, and hardware and software adjustments for DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B.


What type of jumpers does DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B use?

DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B uses two types of jumpers. DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B uses berg-type or manually moveable hardware jumpers and DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B also uses wire jumpers.

DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B is a Drive Control Card designed and developed by GE. It is a part of Mark V control system. The product contains the primary control circuitry and software for a drive or exciter. It consists of three 16-bit microprocessors and associated circuits coupled via dual-ported RAM. The component also has interface circuitry that joins with other boards to provide various ac and dc motor drive configurations. The interface circuitry regulates, processes and controls drive, motor, and customer I/O signals. The system is completely programmable turbine control system made to handle the complicated, dynamic behavior of steam and gas turbines in the modern power generation industry. It is a modular control system that offers cutting-edge management, supervision, and security. In addition to robust monitoring capabilities and various built-in features that automatically protect the turbine-generator from a range of abnormal operating events, such as overspeed, oil loss, and overheating, this gives operators instant access to all key control operations.


The module has proved to be a reliable control board as the predecessor to the Lan Drive Control Board. It is recommended to have a delayed migration if this board is being utilized due to the consistency that it provides for the application

Has three main microprocessors – drive control processor, motor control processor, co-motor processor. One microprocessor controls the drive and has many built-in functions as well as digital and analog I/O. It also includes the software for the user interface. High-speed I/O, digital I/O, analog I/O, and a digital timer are all handled by a single microprocessor. For motor control processing, one microprocessor is used for math-intensive functions.

Used in AC2000, DC2000, and EX2000 drive applications.

Has 8 connectors: 1PL, 2PL, 3PL, 6PL, 7PL, 8PL, 9PL, and 11PL. uses all of its connectors except 9PL.

Multiple connectors transmit and receive signals to other boards in the drive. When connecting the cables, take care to route them so that they do not come into contact with other components in the drive. It is advised to label the cables so that the board can be easily replaced if necessary. Furthermore, it is best to create the labels while the connector identifiers are readily available.

DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B Control Processors

Drive Control Processor

An 80C186 microcontroller (U1) that supports both digital and analog I/O and has many built-in peripheral features.

Address decoding for chip selections, wait-state generators, an interrupt controller, timers/counters, and the direct memory access (DMA) controller is a few of these features.

User interfaces, external regulating loops (such as speed and location), and system-level operations make up DCP software.

Motor Control Processor

An 80C196 microcontroller (U21) having high-speed I/O, traditional digital I/O, analog I/O, timer/counters, and a watchdog timer.

Inner loops like current regulators and technology- and motor-specific operations like dc phase control, ac motion control, and ac general purpose make up MCP software.

Co-Motor Processor

Motor control algorithms that are too sophisticated for the MCP are handled by a TMS320C25 digital signal processor (U35).

The board only employs this CPU and the hardware that goes with it when the drive calls for more processing power. Just its dual-ported RAM and EPROM are interfaced by the CMP.

The card has onboard software that is contained in five memory chips: four EPROMs (U11, U12, U22, and U23) that hold configuration data encoded at the factory and one EEPROM (U9) that contains field-adjustable parameters. These memory chips are housed in sockets.

Card Connections

The component interfaces with the other boards of the controller and external signals via eight connectors (designated _PL). Connectors to other boards are as follows:

1PL – I/O between the Power Supply/Interface Board (IMCP, DCI, SDCI, or DCFB) and the SDCC

2PL – ±5, 15, and 24 V dc inputs from the Power Supply/Interface Board

3PL – SDCC outputs to the LAN Communications Card (SLCC)

6PL – I/O between the Drive Terminal Board (NTB) or Simple Drive Terminal Board and the SDCC

7PL – I/O between the Signal Processor Card (SPC) or Multibridge Signal Processing Card and the component

8PL – I/O between the Drive Terminal Board (NTB) or Simple Drive Terminal Board and the SDCC

9PL – Not Used

11PL – Outputs to meters

Software Configuration Tools

Any software adjustment, download, or replacement on the SDCC necessitates the use of the ST2000, GE Control System Toolbox, or LynxOS Drive Configurator.

ST2000 is a DOS-based software suite used to configure GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 control equipment.

The GE Control System Toolbox is a set of software tools for configuring GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 control equipment that runs on Windows.

The LynxOS Drive Configurator is a software suite used to configure GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 control equipment. It is intended for use on a personal computer (PC) running the LynxOS operating system.

Configurable Hardware

The module includes hardware that can be configured for the application:

Hardware jumpers of the Berg type (manually movable), denoted by a JP nomenclature

Wire jumpers, denoted by the WJ abbreviation

These jumpers are used for factory testing or user-defined options. The majority of the jumper options have been pre-programmed. These factory set positions are indicated on the test data sheets that come with each controller (in the drive/exciter door pocket).

Operator-Maintenance Interface

An IBM-compatible PC, color monitor, keyboard, cursor positioning device (either touch screen and/or trackball or mouse), and printer serve as the system’s primary operator interface. The operator interface is used to issue commands such as start/stop, load/unload, manage and log alarms, and monitor unit operation. The operator interface does not control or protect the unit, with the exception of the Plant Load Control option. ARCNET Local Area Network (LAN) communication is used to connect the operator interfaces to the panel(s).

The Stage Link is the connection between the operator interfaces and the Mark V control panel(s). To accommodate long distances between the operator interface computers and the turbine control panel, the Stage Link may include fiber optic cables and repeaters in some cases.

The operator interface can also be used to configure or modify the control, protection, monitoring, and logging functions of the interface computer’s programs. Passwords are required to modify or configure these functions. Monitor sizes, color printers, laser printers, and an audible alarm horn are among the interface options.

Communication Networks

The Mark V Control System communicates, shares, and acts on information via three distinct networks. The Stage Link is the primary means of communication between the Operator Interface and the control panel’s common data processor. This is an ARCNET configuration link.

The data exchange network (DENET) is a communication network of the ARCNET type that is built into the Mark V control panel.

The DENET’s function is to provide a communication link between the control panel’s internal processors. It serves as the foundation for the voting process on control signals in a TMR panel. The Mark V Control System communicates, shares, and acts on information via three distinct networks.

The Stage Link is the primary means of communication between the Operator Interface and the control panel’s common data processor. This is an ARCNET configuration link. The data exchange network (DENET) is a communication network of the ARCNET type that is built into the Mark V control panel.

The DENET’s function is to provide a communication link between the control panel’s internal processors. It serves as the foundation for the voting process on control signals in a TMR panel.


What is DS215SDCCG1AZZ01B?

It is a Drive Control Card developed by GE

How many microprocessors are there on the SDCC?

There are three 16-bit microprocessors on the SDCC, along with associated circuits coupled via dual-ported RAM.

What is the function of the interface circuitry?

The interface circuitry on the SDCC regulates, processes, and controls drive, motor, and customer I/O signals. It joins with other boards to provide various ac and dc motor drive configurations.

What is the ST2000 software suite?

It is a DOS-based software suite used to configure GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 control equipment. It is used to configure and monitor the control equipment and can be used to perform various functions such as diagnostics, tuning, and calibration.

What is the GE Control System Toolbox?

The GE Control System Toolbox is a set of software tools used to configure GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 control equipment. It runs on Windows and is used for tasks such as configuring hardware and software parameters, editing ladder logic programs, and monitoring real-time data.

What is the LynxOS Drive Configurator?

The LynxOS is a software suite used to configure GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 control equipment. It is intended for use on a personal computer (PC) running the LynxOS operating system. It provides users with a graphical interface for configuring and monitoring the control equipment.
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