



EMERSON SE series cards



All processsignals are fully integrated into the VA Series system,allowing direct VA Series system monitoring andcontrol of the process.The following I/A Series control processors can beimplemented:)

Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270)Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270)) Control Processor 60 (CP60).The FCP270 offers direct connection of the DCS


FBMs to the 2 Mbps Fieldbus. The ZCP270 requiresredundant FCM100Et or FCM100E modules tocommunicate with the DCS FBMs. The CP60requires redundant WFCM10E or WFCM10Efmodules to communicate with the DCS FBMs.

Westinghouse WPDF I and II SubsystemsThe DPU assembly may optionally be removed fromthe Cabinet and replaced with a baseplate containingsingle or redundant FCMs or FCPs. The /O card


power supplies and Q-Crates are retained in thecabinet. If installing either the FCP270 or (ZCP270)and FCM100Et or FCM100E modules in the DPUcabinet, single or redundant 24 V dc power suppliesmust be installed in the cabinet. The FCP270, or

(ZCP270) and FCM100Et or FCM100E modules canbe located in a nearby existing enclosure orVA Series enclosure and the fieldbus extended toconnect the modules to the Q-Crates.Migration with FCP270 and DCS FBMsThe Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) is adistributed, field-mounted controller module thatsupports up to 36 DCS FBMs (depending on

selected scan periods) by itself, or up to 120 DCSFBMs (depending on selected scan periods) whenused with the Fieldbus Expander Module (FEM100).The FCP270 connects to The MESH control networkvia optionally redundant 100 Mbps Ethernet fiberoptic cables and Ethernet fiber switches. TheFCP270 is an optionally fault -tolerant controller thatcommunicates with connected DCS FBMs toperform data acquisition and control using /A Seriescontrol algorithms. The FEM100 provides fourExpanded Fieldbuses to the FCP270, and eachExpanded Fieldbus may support up to 36 DCSFBMs.The FCP270 mounts in a Modular Baseplate thatsupports a single module or a fault tolerant modulepair. The Modular Baseplate either accepts onlyFCP270 modules, or both FCP270 and FEM100

Model recommendation: