I/0 Card Redundancy RedundantI0cardsare available forcritical aplications. Thesamecardcanbeused in simplex or redundant applications.When installed onatwo-wide redundant terminal block, the cards are recognized as a redundant pair by the controller. The controller scans each card and determines which card is acting as the active interface. When a fault is detected, the system automatically switches to the standby I0 card. DeltaV Control modules reference simplex and redundant I/O channels identically and there is no special configuration required to take advantage of redundancy. Switchover of a redundant /0 card is completed within two scans of the /O bus. Make-before break contacts ensure digital field instruments remain powered and the process is undisturbed. Analog output signals are briefly driven by both cards for < 5 ms during switchover of the card. Hardware Alerts automatically report hardware integrity errors for both the primary and secondary cards. Any event that causes a switchover isalso reported automaticallythroughthes ystem hardware alertsand is logged in the EventChronicle.

Dalam saham:
KJ3222X1-BA1KL4201X1-BA1PR6423 / 004-030A6210
KJ3244X1-BA1KJ3222X1-BA1PR9268 / 017-100Wh1-2ff
KJ1501X1-BC2KJ4001X1-CC1PR9268 / 301-000SLS1508
KJ2003X1-BA2KJ2201X1-BA1PR6423 / 015-010CE4003S2B1
KJ4001X1-CB1KJ2221X1-BA1A3120 / 022-00012p1878x032
KJ4001X1-CC1KJ4101X1-BA1A6312 / 0612p0818x072
KJ4001X1-NA1KJ3204X1-BA1A6500-UMDan sebagainya pada …
Deltav . Sistem Dual – Saluran Sistem Keselamatan Redundan, Pengawal Redundan, Modul Bekalan Kuasa, I / O Unit, Analog AI Modul, Analog AO Modul:
KJ1501X1-BA2 KJ1501X1-BB1 KJ1501X1-BC1 KJ1501X1-BC2
KJ1501X1-BC3 KJ1501X1-BK1 KJ1502X1-BA2 KJ1611X1-EF1
KJ1700X1-BA1 KJ1710X1-BA1 KJ1740X1-BA1 KJ2001X1-BA1
KJ2002X1-BA1 KJ2002X1-CA1 KJ2003X1-BA2 KJ2003X1-BB1
KJ2004X1-BA1 KJ2005X1-BA1 KJ2101X1-BA1 KJ2101X1-CA1
KJ2201X1-BA1 KJ2201X1-HA1 KJ2201X1-JA1 KJ2221X1-BA1
KJ2221X1-EA1 KJ2222X1-BA1 KJ2231X1-BA1 KJ2231X1-BB1
KJ2231X1-BC1 KJ2231X1-EA1 KJ2231X1-EB1 KJ2231X1-EC1
KJ2231X1-ED1 KJ2231X1-EE1 KJ3001X1-BA1 KJ3001X1-BB1
KJ3001X1-BC1 KJ3001X1-BD1 KJ3001X1-BE1 KJ3001X1-BH1
KJ3001X1-BJ1 KJ3001X1-BK1 KJ3001X1-CA1 KJ3001X1-CB1
KJ3002X1-BA1 KJ3002X1-BB1 KJ3002X1-BC1 KJ3002X1-BD1
KJ3002X1-BE1 KJ3002X1-BF1 KJ3002X1-BG2 KJ3003X1-BA1
KJ3003X1-EA1 KJ3004X1-BA1 KJ3004X1-EA1 KJ3005X1-BA1
KJ3006X1-BA1 KJ3007X1-BA1 KJ3007X1-EA1 KJ3008X1-BA1
KJ3009X1-BA1 KJ3102X1-BA1 KJ3102X1-BB2 KJ3201X1-BA1
KJ3201X1-BJ1 KJ3201X1-EA1 KJ3202X1-BA1 KJ3203X1-BA1
KJ3204X1-BA1 KJ3206X1-BA1 KJ3208X1-BG1 KJ3211X1-BA1
KJ3212X1-BA1 KJ3221X1-BA1 KJ3221X1-EA1 KJ3222X1-BA1
KJ3222X1-EA1 KJ3223X1-BA1 KJ3231X1-BA1 KJ3241X1-BA1
KJ3241X1-EA1 KJ3242X1-BA1 KJ3242X1-EA1 KJ3242X1-FA1
KJ3243X1-BB1 KJ3244X1-BA1 KJ4001X1-BA1 KJ4001X1-BA2
KJ4001X1-BA3 KJ4001X1-BB1 KJ4001X1-BE1 KJ4001X1-BH1
KJ4001X1-CA1 KJ4001X1-CB1 KJ4001X1-CC1 KJ4001X1-CD1
KJ4001X1-CE1 KJ4001X1-CF1 KJ4001X1-CG1 KJ4001X1-CH1
KJ4001X1-CJ1 KJ4001X1-DG1 KJ4001X1-EA1 KJ4001X1-GA1
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