GE Mark VI IS200JPDEG1A – pdm – world of controls-IS200JPDEG1A


GE Mark VI IS200JPDEG1A – pdm – world of controls-IS200JPDEG1A



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  Product Description

As mentioned above, this IS200JPDEG1A DC distribution board is manufactured by GE Energy for its Mark VIe series turbine control systems and turbine control system component products. GE Energy is a subsidiary manufacturer of industry giant General Electric, responsible for all manufacturing of the Mark VIe modular distribution series. The IS200JPDEG1A PCB is actually a modified version of the existing Mark VIe series circuit board component products; Modify the IS200JPDEG1 master printed circuit board by including a single A-level functional product revision.

  Hardware prompts and specifications

Although most of the content on this personalized IS200JPDEG1A product page will seek to identify and explain the inherent hardware component selection of the IS200JPDEG1A model PCB components, it is crucial to determine the expected functionality of this Mark VIe series product. As pointed out in the original product specific instruction manual material, the IS200JPDEG1A board provides a good explanation of its function as a DC distribution board; The purpose of IS200JPDEG1A PCB is to distribute DC power from batteries or power sources to various system loads, including most Mark VIe series terminal board products.

Now that we have explored some of the expected functions of the IS200JPDEG1A DC distribution board, we can place some of its interesting hardware component choices in the background. Firstly, the IS200JPDEG1A PCB uses two 50 pin diagnostic pin connectors that protrude from the top and bottom of the base circuit board. These connectors are labeled P1 and P2 respectively, each providing feedback signal transmission and reception options for the IS200JPDEG1A board, specifically for the relevant PPDA input/output packets; AX Control is also available for sale. In terms of installation, this IS200JPDEG1A printed circuit board is developed for installation inside PDM type drive components, so it needs to include a metal mounting bracket. Like many similar Mark VIe series boards, the IS200JPDEG1A PCB has a perforated metal bracket installed on it, leaving room for grounding output terminals. Other important hardware components worth noting on the IS200JPDEG1A model substrate include:

Standard series voltage limiting elements, including resistors, transistors, and diodes

A series of customizable switches for maintenance purposes

Installation holes drilled by four factories

Two 9-pin plug-in lock connectors for power input

DC circuit breakers and 30A input filters in battery distribution applications

Through the analysis of the IS200JPDEG1A functional product number, it was found that all the above hardware components should receive relatively good protection under the thick and basic protective layer provided by their normal type of printed circuit board protective coating for the module. Other information that can be obtained by carefully analyzing the name of this feature includes its normal assembly type, JPDE function abbreviation, the first set of Mark VIe series grouping, and its single A-level revised version (classified as a function).

  Common questions about IS200JPDEG1A

  How does the normal coating style of IS200JPDEG1A board compare to the alternative conformal style of PCB coating?

The ordinary PCB coating of the IS200JPDEG1A board is much thicker than the conformal coating of competitors, although it cannot fully protect every surface of each hardware component like the conformal coating used in chemical applications.

  Is the installation hole of this IS200JPDEG1A board insulated at the factory?

It remains a mystery whether the remaining factory drilled holes in the IS200JPDEG1A DC battery distribution board assembly have been insulated, as they are obscured by the metal plate brackets used for the correct installation of the PCB.

  What is IS200JPDEG1A?

IS200JPDEG1A is a DC distribution module under the Mark VI series.

  Comment on IS200JPDEG1A

This IS200JPDEG1A DC battery distribution board is unique in many hardware components and specifications, first of all, it includes a grounding wire. When the grounded output is introduced into its hardware, most Mark VIe series products that are similar to assembly are considered to have special assembly versions, but this is not the case with the IS200 label devices here. Another prominent feature of the IS200JPDEG1A DC battery distribution board is its series of manually movable hardware jumpers, which are used to customize the board configuration.

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