



Product Description

IS200TBCIH1BBC is a device called contact terminal board. This is a PCB created for the Mark VI series. The Mark VI series is one of several series that make up the General Electric or GE Mark series. The development of these systems is to control all operations of gas and steam turbines in industrial environments.IS200TBCIS2CCD

IS200TBCIH1BBC is a long circuit board with various electronic components. Two (2) very large pure black wiring terminals occupy the left half of IS200TBCIH1BBC. These wiring terminals have forty-eight (48) silver metal terminals. These terminals are identified by a series of numbers from one to forty-eight, with twenty-four (24) in each terminal block. On the right side of IS200TBCIH1BBC is a long row of circular capacitors. These capacitors are pure red. Twenty five (25) of these capacitors are arranged next to these junction boxes. On the right side of IS200TBCIH1BBC are three silver and black jack connector ports. Directly to the right of each connector port is a very small integrated circuit labeled with the letter U. Two (2) other white connectors are located in the center of the top of IS200TBCIH1BBC. Both connectors contain three (3) ports that can be used to connect other components to IS200TBCIH1BBC. A long row of miniature resistors is located on the right side of the center of the PCB. This line almost spans the entire length of IS200TBCIH1BBCIS200TBCIS2CCD(1)

IS200TBCIH1BBC is a Mark VI wiring board. External I/O termination of the board. This is mainly used for the GE Speedtronic Mark VI series. In addition, Mark VI is a flexible platform suitable for multiple applications. It also provides high-speed networked I/O for single redundant, dual redundant, and triple redundant systems.

IS200TBCIH1BBC is a multi-layer PCB filled with SMD components and connectors. Part of the junction box is a detachable connector.


The IS200TBCIH1BBC board is very reliable and not easily damaged. However, improper handling and storage can affect the functionality of the card. Therefore, we recommend storing the card in an electrostatic sensitive storage box under recommended conditions.


If you encounter any issues while using IS200TBCIH1BBC, we can quickly test, diagnose, and fix it. IS200TBCIH1BBC can use quick repair options. These cards are repaired using appropriate tools and experts in a controlled environment. All the parts required for repairing IS200TBCIH1BBC are in our inventory. We also ensure that the replacement parts are industrial grade and meet or exceed OEM standards. FVT has tested all repairs and provided warranty.


Properly refurbishing the IS200TBCIH1BBC circuit board can extend its service life.

The refurbishment process includes:,

Replace all aging and common faulty components.

Apply TIL modifications (if any).

Reflow solder to eliminate dry solder.

Thorough industrial standard cleaning of the card.

Apply protective layer, etc.

Functional verification test

We perform the Functional verification test of IS200TBCIH1BBC in the actual OEM system settings. Because we use OEM systems, we can guarantee 100% reliability. Like any other card, all inputs and outputs will be individually verified for functionality. So each channel is verified separately. According to different circuit boards, we also conduct load testing to ensure proper stability of the circuit board.

Circuit board processing.

IS200TBCIH1BBC is an electrostatic sensitive board like VME board. Therefore, we recommend minimizing manual contact with PCBs, especially in conductive areas. If you need to hold them directly, please hold their edges. Always wear anti-static gloves. These devices require appropriate ESD safety precautions to be taken to handle them.

Related: IS215UCVDH2A

General Electric Company

Purchase Options

brand new

These products are genuine OEM units.

From OEM or independent third-party channels and verified through DTC’s quality control

According to customer requirements, we conduct comprehensive functional testing on these devices for free

Comes with a 2-year DTC warranty.

Certified New Product

These products are open-box genuine OEM products from independent third parties.

These equipment are subject to our quality inspection plan, which includes comprehensive Functional verification tests and verifies whether the results meet the manufacturer’s specifications.

Comes with a 2-year DTC warranty.


These products use original OEM parts

These devices have undergone our quality inspection plan, including comprehensive maintenance and calibration to meet the manufacturer’s specifications.

The major overhaul involves full function testing, appearance maintenance, component replacement, revision and update, and provides a 2-year DTC warranty.


These products are genuine OEM products

Remove from redundant or retired control panels and verify with DTC’s quality control.

These devices have undergone power on testing and come with a 30 day warranty.

Fix your

Our state-of-the-art laboratory is capable of testing and repairing any industrial electronic circuit board.

The DTC laboratory is equipped with an OEM control panel for full functional testing of the theme board.

We only use OEM recommended or industry standard parts for replacement.

We not only fix the problem, but also replace aging and common faulty components, even if they function normally during repair, which increases the reliability of the circuit board.

Can provide daily turnover maintenance services upon request

All of our repairs come with a 2-year warranty.


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