GE IS200VAICH1DAB-analog input board general electric vme


GE IS200VAICH1DAB-analog input board general electric vme



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  Frequently asked questions about IS200VAICH1DAB

  The IS200VAICH1DAB model has sensors/transmitters; What do they do, or what do they rely on to provide motivation?

The transmitter/sensor on the IS200VAICH1DAB can be powered by a 24 VDC control system power supply or independently. They are used to monitor each output on the VAIC board; If the command of the Mark VI processor cannot immediately clear the fault, the suicide relay on the model will disconnect the corresponding output.

  What is the IS200VAICH1DAB model?

The IS200VAICH1DAB model is an analog input/output board. It is used to accept up to 20 inputs and control up to 4 outputs, with two converters (A/D and D/A), signal conditioning, and analog MUX.

  Product Description

The IS200VAICH1DAB model is manufactured by General Electric as an analog input/output board for TMR or simplex applications in Mark V systems. When used in TMR system configuration, the input signals on the connected terminal board, TBAIH1C, or STAI board will be fanout to three VME racks: T, R, and S, each containing a VAIC board. The output signal on the VAIC board will be driven by a proprietary circuit, using all available VAIC boards to create the required current. If any IS200VAICH1DAB model on the VME rack malfunctions, the faulty VAIC model will be removed from the output, and the remaining VAIC boards can continue to provide the correct current. When the model is used in a simplex configuration, the connected terminal board will provide input to one of the VAIC models, thereby providing all current to the output.


During the operation of the IS200VAICH1DAB model, it will control four analog outputs and accept up to 20 analog inputs. This model has analog MUX, A/D converter, D/A converter, and signal conditioner. This model has two analog inputs, ± 1 mA or 4-20 mA, selected by connecting jumpers on the terminal board. The analog output circuit is divided; Two outputs can be configured as 0-200 mA or 4-20 mA, while the other outputs are only 4-20 mA. The input and output of the IS200VAICH1DAB model both contain high suppression circuits, which can prevent high-frequency noise and surges.(

Comment on IS200VAICH1DAB

The IS200VAICH1DAB model has firmware that allows for compressor stall detection. The VAIC model includes firmware that will perform compressor testing at a frequency of 200 Hz. This trip is initiated by the VAIC, which will send a signal to the connected controller to initiate shutdown- Xiongba Industrial Control

  Model recommendation: