IS230SNRTH2A – RTD Input module in Stock Buy


IS230SNRTH2A – RTD Input module in Stock Buy



  IS230SNRTH2A – RTD Input module is available in stock which ships the same day.

  IS230SNRTH2A – RTD Input module comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

  To avail our best deals for IS230SNRTH2A – RTD Input module, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

IS200TRLYS1B is a relay termination board developed by GE, which is a type of printed circuit board under the Mark VI series. It was developed as a huge rectangular circuit board having a miscellany of electronic components.

It consists of two vertically oriented terminal blocks, each of which has a succession of metal and silver blocks. The terminals, which are all labeled with white numbers ranging from one to twenty-four, sit in the center of a long row of relays or contactors.

Transparent acrylic covers the square-shaped relays on this board. A transistor is also included on this board, and each transistor is paired with a circular red MOV (metal oxide varistor). Three white jumpers are seen, along with a bevy of small integrated circuits arranged in lines.

Integrated circuits are compact devices with a self-contained network of very small components. Always follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions when installing or replacing the board.

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