



-JDSU 30mW argon laser (with ring).

-JDS Uniphase Part Number: 2214-30SLQTC=2214-30SLQT=2214-30SLQTA=2214-30-SL-QT

-KLA Tencor Part Number: 0224471-001

-Find the system on KLA Tencor Surfscan 6200, 6220, 6400, and 6420. You can hear the clicking sound of PSW, everything seems normal, as described in SAM’s FAQ.

The yellow channel in the oscilloscope represents the DC measurement value output by POWER, while the blue channel represents the LIGHT output. 1、 The output power is the same as electrical energy, and the light emitted by a laser is also an energy source, but it appears in the form of light energy. So the output power of a laser, like the output power of a power plant generator, is a physical quantity that measures the output of laser energy per unit of time, commonly measured in milliwatts (mW), watts (W), kilowatts (kW), etc. 2、 Power stability

Power stability characterizes the instability of laser output power over a certain period of time, generally divided into RMS stability and peak to peak stability.

RMS stability: The ratio of the root mean square of all sampled power values to the average power value during the testing time, describing the degree of dispersion of output power deviation from the average power value. On the CNI laser website, the laser power stability is RMS stability within 4 hours.

Peak to peak stability: The percentage of the difference between the maximum and minimum output power values and the average power value, representing the range of changes in output power over a certain period of time.

When people first created and invented lasers, it was called “finding solutions to difficult problems” because at that time they did not find good ways to use lasers. And now it will never be such a situation; Lasers have basically played a crucial role in various fields of science and technology. What is the use of a laser?

In science, especially in the physics industry, lasers are used in turn-on systems or power switches. They can be used as specialized tools for precise measurement of time and distance, and can also be used to create invention graphs.

Lasers are used in industrial production for drilling, laser cutting, and the fusion of machine equipment and electronic components. The military can also use lasers in guidance technology, defense capabilities, and nuclear weapon system software. In the communication system and medical and pharmaceutical industries, lasers also have great effects on people.

Femtosecond laser refers to a laser that uses mode-locked technology to obtain short single pulses of femtosecond magnitude. To put it simply, femtosecond, also known as millimicrosecond, is only 10 to the minus 15 cubic seconds of a femtosecond.

Femtosecond laser is not visible light, it is just the composition of a continuous transformation of light wavelength around 800nm in the management center. The indoor spatial correlation of continuous light wavelength within this range is used to achieve a significant reduction in time, thereby achieving femtosecond order of magnitude single pulse output. The selected laser crystal is titanium crystal with a wide laser spectral line.

As we all know, chemical substances are composed of molecules and atoms, but they are not stationary and are rapidly exercising. They are a crucial fundamental characteristic of external economic chemicals.

The occurrence of femtosecond lasers has enabled people to observe the entire process of this extremely fast fitness exercise for the first time in terms of molecules and electronic devices. According to this scientific discovery, femtosecond lasers have been widely used in physics, molecular biology, organic chemical manipulation and reflection, optical communication and other industries.

What is particularly noteworthy is the use of lasers? Due to its rapid and high pixel characteristics, femtosecond laser has unique advantages and irreplaceable effects in early diagnosis of diseases, medical imaging, microbial facial detection, general surgery, and the production and manufacturing of pocket communication satellites.

What is the principle of a laser? Except for free charge lasers, the basic principles of various lasers are the same. The indispensable standards that cause lasers are particle number flipping and gain values exceeding losses. Therefore, the indispensable components of the equipment include an excitation (or pumping) source and a working substance with metastable electron levels.

Motivation is the process of digesting and absorbing external kinetic energy during work, which stimulates high spin and plays a special role in achieving and maintaining particle number flipping.

The excitation methods include electron optics excitation, electric excitation, organic chemical excitation and nuclear power generation excitation. The presence of metastable electron levels in materials at work results in the dominance of the stimulated radiation source, leading to increased light intensity.

The common component of the laser also has a resonant cavity, but the resonant cavity (see electron optics resonant cavity) is not an indispensable component. The resonant cavity can make the light quanta in the cavity have the same frequency, phase difference and operating orientation, thus making the laser have excellent specificity and related industries.

Moreover, it can effectively reduce the length of chemical substances in operation and adjust the mode selection of the laser according to changing the length of the resonant cavity. Therefore, most lasers have resonant cavities.

Like other molecular lasers, the stimulated emission process of CO2 laser is also messy. What is the principle of a laser? There are three different types of fitness exercises for molecules, namely the fitness exercise of electronic devices within the molecule, which selects the electronic device energy state of the molecule for fitness exercise; The second is the molecular vibration within the molecule, which means that the molecules in the molecule continuously vibrate regularly around their equilibrium position and choose the vibrational energy state of the molecule.

The third is molecular rollover, which refers to the continuous rotation of molecules as a whole person in indoor space. This type of fitness exercise of molecules selects the molecular rollover energy state. Molecular fitness exercises are extremely chaotic, resulting in chaotic electronic energy levels.

When I switch between the two modes, the power increases because one of the potentiometer is set to 5k and the other is set to 100 ohms; If I invert the settings of the pot, I can’t see any obvious difference. General diagram. Note that the startup circuit box is open, and I am doing this to see if I can measure something. Laser head removed from KLA Tencor optical detector. My control panel. Open the umbilical connector for general inspection. Reassembling makes no difference. This is a low-power oscilloscope measurement, and all potentiometer are the smallest.

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