REXRTOH SYHNC100-NIB-2X/W-24-P-D-E23-A012 R900978416


REXRTOH SYHNC100-NIB-2X/W-24-P-D-E23-A012 R900978416



  REXRTOH+ SYHNC100-NIB-22aW-24-P_D. E23 A012

  Product Description

REXRTOH X SYHNC100 NIB -22aW-24-P-D The E23 A012 controller is a high-performance industrial automation controller. It adopts advanced control technology and reliable hardware design, with strong stability, fast reaction speed, and high control accuracy, and is widely used in fields such as mechanical manufacturing, automated production lines, and industrial automation control.(


Bosch Rexroth AG does not assume any liability for damages caused by notintended use. The user assumes all risks involved with not intended use.Not intended use of the product includes:•Using the digital controller assembly outside the specified performancelimits and operating conditions and in particular the specified environmentalconditions;•Using the digital controller assembly as safety-related part of controls in thesense of DIN EN ISO 13849. Functional safety must be implemented usingappropriate additional components.2.4Qualification of personnelThe activities described in this documentation require basic knowledge of theelectric installation, control technology, programming and hydraulics, especiallysecondary controlled drives, as well as knowledge of the appropriate technicalterms. In order to ensure safe use, these activities may only be carried out byqualified technical personnel or an instructed person under the direction andsupervision of a qualified person.Qualified personnel are those who can recognize potential hazards and apply theappropriate safety measures due to their professional training, knowledge andexperience, as well as their understanding of the relevant conditions pertainingto the work to be undertaken. Qualified personnel must observe the rules/lawsrelevant to the specific subject area.Qualified personnel are those who can recognize potential hazards and applythe appropriate safety measures due to their professional training, knowledgeand experience, as well as their understanding of the relevant conditions onsecondary controlled drives pertaining to the work to be undertaken. Qualifiedpersonnel must observe the rules/laws relevant to the specific subject areaapplying to secondary controlled drives.The operation of the SYHNC100-SEK…3X digital controller assembly requires thesafe handling with the PC program WIN-PED® version safety instructions•Observe the applied provisions for the prevention of accidents and forenvironmental protection.

REXROTH drive(1)
•Observe the safety regulations and provisions of the country where the productis implemented/used.•Exclusively use Rexroth products in good technical order and condition.•Observe all notes on the product.•Persons who assemble, operate, disassemble or maintain Rexroth productsmust not consume any alcohol, drugs or pharmaceuticals that may affect theirability to respond.•Only use accessories and spare parts authorized by the manufacturer.•Comply with the technical data and ambient conditions indicated in the productdocumentation.•The installation or use of inappropriate products in safety-relevant applicationscould result in uncontrolled operating conditions when being used which in turncould cause injuries and/or damages to property. Therefore please only usea product for safety-relevant applications if this use is expressly specified andpermitted in the documentation of the product.•Do not commission the product until you can be sure that the end product(for example a machine or system) where the Rexroth product is installedcomplies with the country-specific provisions, safety regulations and applicationstandards

Model recommendation:

Turbomachinery Parts Catalog IOC-555-D 17-550555-001



ALSTOM V4550220-EN


ABB 1SAP550100R0001

ABB CP650 1SAP550100R0001