VM600 CMC16 200-530-025-014 200-530-111-013


VM600 CMC16 200-530-025-014 200-530-111-013



VM600 rack controller and communications interface card.  The VM600 CPUM and IOCN modular CPU card and input/output card is a rack controller and communications interface card pair that acts as a system controller and data communications gateway for a VM600 rack-based machinery protection system (MPS) and/or condition monitoring system (CMS) from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter® product line. Note: Different versions of CPUx/IOCx rack controller and communications interface card pair are available, as follows: The CPUM/IOCN is the original version with a front-panel display and support for Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET (PNR 200-595-VVV-VVV). The CPUR/IOCR is a version with rack controller redundancy and support for Modbus RTU/TCP (PNR 600-007-VVV-VVV). The CPUR2/IOCR2 is a version with mathematical processing of fieldbus data and support for Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP (PNR 600-026-000-VVV). Features VM600 CPUM/IOCN rack controller and communications interface card pair with support for Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET, and a front-panel display  “One-Shot” configuration management of protection cards (MPC4 and AMC8) in a VM600 rack using an Ethernet or RS-232 serial connection to a computer running the VM600 MPSx software  Front-panel display for visualisation of monitored outputs and alarm limits from protection cards  Common alarm reset (AR) for protection cards and VM600 MPS rack (CPUM) security  VM600 system event and measurement event logs available via the VM600 MPSx software  High-quality, high-reliability analog monitoring card – with SIL 2 approval – for VM600 rack-based machinery monitoring systems. The AMC8 card provides 8 temperature or process monitoring channels, all of which are independently configurable. An AMC8 analog monitoring card is installed in the front of a VM600 ABE04x rack and requires an IOC8T card to form a card pair.  Features  8 temperature or process monitoring channels  1 processed output per channel and 1 processed output per multi-channel (4 per AMC8)  Highly configurable card supports temperature monitoring using thermocouples and/or RTDs, and process monitoring using current and/or voltage inputs  Highly integrated card pair (with IOC8T) includes DC outputs, relays and serial communications interfaces  Designed for operation with the VM600 MPSx software  VM600 rack controller and communications interface card.  The VM600 CPUR2 and IOCR2 rack controller and communications interface card pair is a central processing unit (CPU) card pair that acts as a system controller and data communications gateway for a VM600 rack-based machinery protection system (MPS) and/or condition monitoring system (CMS) from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter® product line.  Note: Different versions of CPUx/IOCx rack controller and communications interface card pair are available, as follows:  The CPUM/IOCN is the original version with a front-panel display and support for Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET (PNR 200-595-VVV-VVV).  The CPUR/IOCR is a version with rack controller redundancy and support for Modbus RTU/TCP (PNR 600-007-VVV-VVV).  The CPUR2/IOCR2 is a version with mathematical processing of fieldbus data and support for Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP (PNR 600-026-000-VVV). Features  VM600 CPUR2/IOCR2 rack controller and communications interface card pair with support for Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP  “One-Shot” configuration management of protection cards (MPC4) in a VM600 rack using an Ethernet connection to a computer running the VM600 MPSx and VibroSight® software  Mathematical processing of data to be shared via fieldbus and card pair status (health) information via fieldbus Common alarm reset (AR) for protection cards and VM600 MPS rack (CPUR2) security with a removable key  Two output relays to signal system statuses and alarms  VM600 rack controller and communications interface card.  The VM600 CPUR and IOCR rack controller and communications interface card pair is a central processing unit (CPU) card pair that acts as a system controller and data communications gateway for a VM600 rack-based machinery protection system (MPS) and/or condition monitoring system (CMS) from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter® product line.  Note: Different versions of CPUx/IOCx rack controller and communications interface card pair are available, as follows:  The CPUM/IOCN is the original version with a front-panel display and support for Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET (PNR 200-595-VVV-VVV).  The CPUR/IOCR is a version with rack controller redundancy and support for Modbus RTU/TCP (PNR 600-007-VVV-VVV).  The CPUR2/IOCR2 is a version with mathematical processing of fieldbus data and support for Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP (PNR 600-026-000-VVV).  Features  VM600 CPUR/IOCR rack controller and communications interface card pair with support for Modbus RTU/TCP and card pair redundancy  “One-Shot” configuration management of protection cards (MPC4 and AMC8) in a VM600 rack using an Ethernet connection to a computer running the VM600 MPSx and VibroSight® software  Rack controller and communications redundancy with two CPUR/IOCR card pairs: Master (active) and Inactive (redundant)  Five output relays to signal system statuses and alarms VM600 system event and measurement event logs available via VibroSight® software  High-quality, high-reliability interface (input/output) card for the MPC4 and MPC4SIL machinery protection cards used by VM600 rack-based machinery monitoring systems. The IOC4T card supports 4 dynamic channels and 2 tachometer (speed) channels, all of which are independently configurable. An IOC4T interface card is installed in the rear of a VM600 ABE04x rack, directly behind an MPC4 card or MPC4SIL card, to form a card pair.  Features  Input/output (interface) card for an MPC4 or MPC4SIL card – supports 4 dynamic channels and 2 tachometer channels  Differential signal input with sensor power supply output per dynamic channel and per tachometer channel  Differential buffered (raw) transducer output per dynamic channel  DC output configurable as current-based signal (4 to 20 mA) or voltage-based signal (0 to 10 V) per dynamic channel  4 configurable relays with two contacts available per relay, and alarm reset (AR), danger bypass (DB) and trip multiply (TM) control inputs  High-quality, high-reliability interface (input/output) card for the AMC8 analog monitoring card used by VM600 rack-based machinery monitoring systems. The IOC8T card supports 8 temperature or process monitoring channels, all of which are independently configurable. An IOC8T interface card is installed in the rear of a VM600 ABE04x rack, directly behind an AMC8 card, to form a card pair.  Features  Input/output (interface) card for an AMC8 card – supports 8 temperature or process monitoring channels  Configurable signal input with current source output per monitoring channel  DC output configurable as current-based signal (4 to 20 mA) or voltage-based signal (0 to 10 V) per monitoring channel  4 configurable relays with three contacts available per relay, and alarm reset (AR) and danger bypass (DB) control inputs  Input/output card for VM600 CPUM modular CPU card. The VM600 CPUM and IOCN modular CPU card and input/output card is a rack controller and communications interface card pair that acts as a system controller and data communications gateway for a VM600 rack-based machinery protection system (MPS) and/or condition monitoring system (CMS) from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter® product line. Features  Input/output (interface) card for CPUM card  One primary Ethernet connector (8P8C (RJ45)) for communication with the VM600 MPSx software and/or Modbus TCP and/or PROFINET communications  One secondary Ethernet connector (8P8C (RJ45)) for redundant Modbus TCP communications  One primary serial connector (6P6C (RJ11/RJ25)) for communication with the VM600 MPSx software via a direct connection  Two pairs of serial connectors (6P6C (RJ11/RJ25)) that can be used to configure multi-drop RS-485 networks of VM600 racks

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